BTS Golf Quantified Clubfitting Process

Unlike the typical “trial and error” process used in large surface golf stores and with many “off the shelf” selling, BTS Golf is the only company that has designed  a quantified system that measures the exact angles and dimensions of each player for a unique and “absolute custom clubfitting solution”.

BTS stands for “Body Type Specific”. Since every player is different, every clubfitting should be different.

Major companies and large surface stores will tell you they do clubfitting but 95 percent of the clubs they have available for sale are not adjustable which makes their clubfitting claim illegitimate. BTS Golf is the only company that has developed a quantified system of measuring a player’s needs based on that player’s physical characteristics and bodytype.

Only through a system like ours can a player hope to play golf at his or her highest possible potential.

This is critical for optimum performance and consistency.

Inquire today !